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Partners I List of Partners

List of Partners

Accademia della Crusca
Alinari 24 ORE Spa
Anna Lindh Foundation
Artex Firenze
Associazione Partners Palazzo Strozzi
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
Centro Europeo del Restauro Firenze
Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena
CNA Firenze
CNR Firenze
CNR Firenze-ICVBC Istituto per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali
Consorzio Firenze Albergo
Edifir Edizioni Firenze
Euromed Heritage
Firenze Sapere
Fondazione di Firenze per l’Artigianato Artistico
Fondazione Kepha Onlus
Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi
Friends of Florence Foundation
Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux
Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze
Istituto per l'Arte e il Restauro
La Città del Restauro
Lyceum Club Internazionale di Firenze
Museo Ebraico di Firenze
Opera di Santa Croce Firenze
Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Firenze
Opificio delle Pietre Dure e Laboratori di Restauro di Firenze
Palazzo Spinelli per l'Arte e il Restauro Associazione no profit
RestArte Fondazione per i Beni Culturali
Studio Art Centers International
Toscana Promozione
Università Internazionale dell'Arte di Firenze

Euromed Heritage

Since 1998 the Euromed Heritage regional programme has committed a total of 57 million euros to fund partnerships between conservation experts and heritage institutions from the countries of the Mediterranean region. Almost 400 partners from the Member States of the European Union and MEDA countries (Algeria, Palestinian Authority, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey) have benefited from the Programme during its past phases:

Euromed Heritage 4
Euromed Heritage 4 represents a further milestone in the process of recognizing 'culture' as a catalyst for mutual understanding between the people of the Mediterranean region. Today embedded in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and with a budget of 13.5 million euros, Euromed Heritage 4 (2008-2012) intends to facilitate the appropriation by people of their own national and regional cultural legacy through easier access to education and knowledge on cultural heritage.
To meet this goal, a number of projects are funded for a three-year period. Each project brings together a leading organization and various partners from both the European Union and Mediterranean Partner Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria and Tunisia.
Euromed Heritage 4 offers to selected projects a framework for exchanges of experience, channels for disseminating best practices as well as new perspectives for the development of the cultural institutional environment at national and regional levels.

Euromed Heritage III (2004-2008)
The main goal was the increasing of Mediterranean countries’ capacities in managing and developing their cultural heritage with a special focus on intangible heritage. It was an extension of the previous phase and included four projects: Discover Islamic Art, Rehabimed, Qantara, Byzantium Early Islam.

Euromed Heritage II (2002-2007)
The main goal was the increasing of Mediterranean countries’ capacities in managing and developing their cultural heritage with a special focus on intangible heritage. Projects included within this phase are:
Delta, Prodecom, Filières Innovantes, La Navigation du Savoir, Mediterranean Voices, Medimuses, Temper, Patrimoines Partagés, Ikonos, Unimed Cultural Heritage II, Defence Systems in the Mediterranean Coasts.

Euromed Heritage I (1998-2004)
The main goal was the creation of heritage inventories and facilitation of networking between museums and other cultural institutions.
Projects included within this phase are:
Corpus, Corpus Levant, Euromediterranean Heritage Days, Expo 2000, Fêtes du Soleil, Ipamed, Maghreb Heritage Training Courses I/II, Manumed, Museomed, Islamic Art in the Mediterranean I/II, Pisa, Rias, Salambo, Unimed Audit, Unimed Herit, Unimed Symposium, Saving Cultural Heritage Exhibition, Encyclopedia of the Mediterranean.

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