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Partners I List of Partners

List of Partners

Accademia della Crusca
Alinari 24 ORE Spa
Anna Lindh Foundation
Artex Firenze
Associazione Partners Palazzo Strozzi
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
Centro Europeo del Restauro Firenze
Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena
CNA Firenze
CNR Firenze
CNR Firenze-ICVBC Istituto per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali
Consorzio Firenze Albergo
Edifir Edizioni Firenze
Euromed Heritage
Firenze Sapere
Fondazione di Firenze per l’Artigianato Artistico
Fondazione Kepha Onlus
Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi
Friends of Florence Foundation
Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux
Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze
Istituto per l'Arte e il Restauro
La Città del Restauro
Lyceum Club Internazionale di Firenze
Museo Ebraico di Firenze
Opera di Santa Croce Firenze
Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Firenze
Opificio delle Pietre Dure e Laboratori di Restauro di Firenze
Palazzo Spinelli per l'Arte e il Restauro Associazione no profit
RestArte Fondazione per i Beni Culturali
Studio Art Centers International
Toscana Promozione
Università Internazionale dell'Arte di Firenze

Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze

Director: Dott. Paolo Galluzzi

The Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza [IMSS] was founded in 1927 at the initiative of the University of Florence under the name of Istituto di Storia delle Scienze. According to its Statute, its function was that of collecting, cataloguing and restoring ancient instruments and devices of historical and scientific interest. The University of Florence loaned the new institution its own collections of Medici-Lorraine scientific instruments, as well as precious library sources. The IMSS was founded within a particular historical and cultural context in which, starting from the 1920s, several initiatives were launched in Florence for the purpose of conserving and capitalizing on Italy's historical/scientific heritage. In 1923 the Gruppo per la Tutela del Patrimonio Scientifico was established in Florence and, subsequent to the foundation of the IMSS, the First National Exposition of the History of Science was organized in 1929.

In the course of its history, the IMSS has constantly been a paragon, on both the national and the international level, for history of science research and for the issues involved in giving importance to the study of scientific instrumentation of historical interest. In particular, it has been a leader in the intense debate that has led to the full recognition of scientific instruments as a part of our cultural heritage, and has compiled the STS standard cataloguing system adopted by the Central Institute of Cataloguing and Documentation of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs as standard for cataloguing historical/scientific property.

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