mercoledì 28 ottobre 2009 hours00:00
giovedì 29 ottobre 2009 hours09:30
The opening of the first International Florence Art and Restoration Fair
Florence Art and Restoration Fair
Sala Firenze Thursday 29th October 2009, from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
Opening Ceremony
Attending the delegates of the various involved institutions and of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, together with the Director of Regional Cultural Heritage Office and the various local Superintendents. The ceremony will be introduced by the President of the Fair, chev. Franco Sottani, and by the Director, Elena Amodei.
giovedì 29 ottobre 2009 hours11:30
An example of multidisciplinary approach to the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: the Cathedral of Pamplona
It will be presented the project made in the cloister of the Cathedral of Pamplona, promoted by the Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (Ministry for Culture) and by the Institución Príncipe de Viana of the Government of Navarra. The project consisted in the study and the diagnostic preliminary analysis of the complex, finalised to the drafting of an intervention preliminary plan. Attended to the event many scholars and experts in the various disciplines involved in the project: architects, art historian, geologists, biologists, physics, conservators and restorers. The Cathedral of Pamplona had a fundamental role in the life of the city, many political, social and religious events took place in its rooms. The space considered in its sense, includes also the central garden and the other structures next to the central buildings. |
giovedì 29 ottobre 2009 hours11:30
Video on the Cities which have a twinning with the city of Florence
Video Installation from 29th to 31st October 2009
Thanks to an accord with the Municipality of Florence and in collaboration with the Ufficio delle Città Gemellate ed Amiche con Firenze, the Fair secretariat invited the various cities which have a twinning with the city of Florence asking them a contribution video. During the Fair there will be showed videos of the cities of: Cracovia, Philadelphia, Valladolid and Kiev.