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Agreement with the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi for a discounted admission reserved to the exhibition visitors
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair undersigned an agreement with the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi for a discounted admission reserved to the visitors of the exhibition Picasso and Spanish Modernity with a 50% discount on the Florence Art and Restoration Fair entrance ticket.

The Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi offers during the year a rich and various programme of International high level exhibitions.

Exhibition: Picasso and Spanish Modernity

Organized by Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Cared by Eugenio Carmona

Grants for participation in the Florence Art and Restoration Fair 2014
It is now operating a new contract for the concession of grants in favor of the companies participating in trade fairs in the year 2014. ...continue
Registrations still open for the 2014 edition!
It is still possible to reserve a stand, an event or an advertising space to be involved in the Florence Art and Restoration Fair which opens the door to the fourth edition to be held 13 to 15 November 2014. ...continue
Agreement with the Touring Club Italiano for a discounted admission reserved to its members
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair undersigned an agreement with the Touring Club Italiano for a discounted admission reserved to its members. The Touring Club Italiano is a non profit organization that is responsible for over one hundred years of tourism, culture and environment. ...continue
Patronage of the ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'Internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane
The ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'Internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane granted its patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.

The President Franco Sottani, the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretary of the Fair would like to thank the General Direction of the ICE and its staff.

Patronage of the ECCO - European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations
By means of a letter of July 18 2014, the ECCO granted its patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.

The President Franco Sottani, the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretary of the Fair would like to thank the Administrative Officer of the ECCO, Tânia Teixeira.

Patronage of the Expo 2015
By means of a letter of June 17, 2014, the l'Expo 2015 granted its patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.

The President Franco Sottani, the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretary of the Fair would like to thank the President of the Expo 2015 S.p.A., Dr. Giuseppe Sala.

Technical Meeting on
The Associazione Città Infinite invites you to attend the meeting of the technical committee on

Design, refurbishment and conservation of Cultural Heritage
Massarosa (LU), Monday, June 16, 2014 h. 15:00 to 17:30
at the building, “La Brilla”
Via Pietra a Padule, loc.La Piaggetta - frazione di Quiesa

The meeting is part of the initiatives related to the Florence Art and Restoration Fair and of the Table of development of the Tyrrhenian coast of Liguria

Study Day on the Gardens in the walls of the Castles of Lunigiana - Castello di Fosdinovo (Massa-Carrara)
Saturday 24 May, at the Castello Malaspina at Fosdinovo (Massa-Carrara)

Study Day on the Gardens in the walls of the Castles of Lunigiana

This event is organised with the support and the contribution of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.

The Madonna della Misericordia of the Museo del Bigallo – Press conference of presentation of the restored Frescoe
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair and the Friends of Florence Foundation invite you to the

Press conference presenting the restored Fresco - winner of the " First Prize Friends of Florence - Florence Art and Restoration Fair in 2012" :
Florence, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 h . 11:00
Sala del Corpo Generale, Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia
Piazza Duomo 20
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