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Exchange visibility agreement with the auction house Meeting Art Spa
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair in has made an agreement to exchange visibility with the auction house Meeting Art on their respective websites.
Patronage of the Italian Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
The Italian Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministrihas granted its patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.

The President Franco Sottani, the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretariat of the Fair would like to thank the General Secretariat of the Italian Presidenza del Consiglio.

The restoration of the five tables of the Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari, guided tours Laboratorio Opificio delle Pietre Dure di Firenze
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair visitors will be able to access to the laboratory of Restoration of the Fortezza and admire - for the first time in 48 years - the restoration works of the five tables of the Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari painting of the Basilica of Santa Croce, which was flooded in 1966.
Thanks to the courtesy of the staff of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, as part of the round table, the Restoration Laboratory opens its doors to the Florence Art and Restoration Fair visitors who will enjoy the five tables of the Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari.
Exhibition: L'Universo si ricompone nel silenzio, Alfredo Serri - Exhibition Area Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
At the Exhibition Area Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, from October 25 2014 to January 18, 2015 will be offered to the public the Exhibition L'Universo si ricompone nel silenzio , by Alfredo Serri .
The artist who is, at last, finds his fair valuation in the first exhibition to be dedicated, organized by Stefano de Rosa will be open from 24 October to 18 January at the Exhibition Area of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze which promoted the 'initiative in collaboration with the Art Gallery Open Meadow.
Alfredo Serri, (Florence 1898-1972), known for the sensitivity of his eye that portrays the real penetrating with a touch of a symbolic nature, do not forget that the place of vision opens up a space of inner investigation, wraps gently drawing up the tones that express his being cultured and sensitive, but not very good at public relations.
Media partnership agreement between the Florence Art and Restoration Fair and the Portal
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair has made a deal of MediaPartnership with the Portal, for an exchange of visibility on their websites and social channels.

The Square of the Lime
The Square of the Lime
By the Forum Italiano Calce

On the occasion of the Fourth Edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair the Forum Italiano Calce organizes “The Square of the Lime”, an initiative designed to create a meeting place for all who wish to discuss, compare and get to know under the sign of the lime and the art of applying it. The members of the Forum Italiano will be able to secure a seat in this special promotional "agora" which will be constantly animated by technical meetings, practical demonstrations, cultural presentations, case histories, and so on.
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair proud sponsor of the FLORENCE Youth and Heritage Festival - ICOMOS GA 2014 Side Event
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair is pleased to announce that collaborates in the FLORENCE Youth and Heritage Festival , an event organized by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, sponsoring this special event for young and its role on issues of intercultural dialogue and the promotion of cultural heritage.
Patronage of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development
The Italian Ministry of Economic Development has granted its patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.

The President Franco Sottani, the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretariat of the Fair would like to thank the General Officer of the Patronage Department, dr. Ugo D'Albero.

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