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Study Day on the Gardens in the walls of the Castles of Lunigiana - Castello di Fosdinovo (Massa-Carrara)

Saturday 24 May, at the Castello Malaspina at Fosdinovo (Massa-Carrara)

Study Day on the Gardens in the walls of the Castles of Lunigiana

This event is organised with the support and the contribution of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.

The Program of the event includes for the opening day of the work at 9 a.m. the institutional welcome by:
Marina Babboni, Director of the Department of Culture of the Province of Massa- Carrara; Gianluca Barbieri, Manager of the Pianificazione Rurale e Forestale, Protezione Civile, Programmazione e Sviluppo economico e territoriale, Trasporto pubblico locale Provincia di Massa-Carrara; Alessandro Volpi, Mayor of the municipality of Massa; Cristina Maria Volontè, President of the Istituto per la Valorizzazione dei Castelli della Lunigiana; Francesco Paolo Cecati, Superintendence for Architectural, Landscape, Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage for the provinces of Lucca and Massa -Carrara; Francesco Velani, project manager TDL and Vice President of the Foundation Promopa.

From 10 to 12 will beheld some scientific conferences to be attended by: Mary Adele Signorini, a biologist from the Department of Biology, University of Florence; Francesca Giurranna, agronomist and landscape researcher; Francesca di Girolamo in collaboration with O.Cuzman, C. Riminesi, P.Tiano, M.P. Colombini, Istituto per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali e Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

At 12, will be presented a selection of botanical analysis of the wild plants present at the Castelli di Massa and Pontremoli. At 12:30 Luisa Corsini and Stefano Bacci settore pianificazione rurale e forestale, Protezione Civile of the Provincia di Massa-Carrara, will the announce the public call for the selection of a company to act the management of the green spaces in the castle of Malaspina Massa and Piagnaro Pontremoli. At 1 p.m. the section dedicated to the technical meetings the speech of Giovanni Novani, Associazione Micologica naturalistica delle Apuane.

In the afternoon, are planned some Special Events organized by the Istituto di Valorizzazione dei Castelli, in collaboraiion with the Civic Library S.Giampaoli, the Frequenze Alfa Teatro di Ponticelli, Vetrina Toscana and Confesercenti.

For more detailed information: - Trame di Lunigiana - Istituto di Valorizzazione dei Castelli - Tel. 0585 816642

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