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The Madonna della Misericordia of the Museo del Bigallo – Press conference of presentation of the restored Frescoe

The Florence Art and Restoration Fair and the Friends of Florence Foundation invite you to the

Press conference presenting the restored Fresco - winner of the " First Prize Friends of Florence - Florence Art and Restoration Fair in 2012" :
Florence, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 h . 11:00
Sala del Corpo Generale, Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia
Piazza Duomo 20

Andrea Ceccherini
Provveditore of the Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia

Marco Seracini
President ASP Florence Montedomini

Cristina Acidini
Soprintendente SPSAE e per il Polo Museale della Città di Firenze

Simonetta Brandolini d' Adda
President of the Foundation Friends of Florence

Lidia Cinelli
Conservator Winner

Maria Matilde Simari
Funzionaria della Soprintendenza SPSAE – PM e Direttore dei lavori di restauro insieme alla restauratrice sarà lieta di fornire informazioni sull’affresco e sull’intervento eseguito.

Officer of the Superintendent SPSAE - PM and Director of the restoration works who, with the restorer will be pleased to provide information on the fresco and on the intervention performed .

At the end of the conference, visit to the restored artwork to Bigallo Museum in Piazza Duomo

For photographers, cameramen and reporters access to the work starting at 10, after booking at:

Download the invitation

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