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Agreement with the Touring Club Italiano for a discounted admission reserved to its members

The Florence Art and Restoration Fair undersigned an agreement with the Touring Club Italiano for a discounted admission reserved to its members. The Touring Club Italiano is a non profit organization that is responsible for over one hundred years of tourism, culture and environment.
The Italian Touring Club "invented" the tourism and has trasformed Italy of the early '900 in a real country, close and accessible thanks to the first maps, guides, road signs and magazines on tourism. A small association then turns in a short time, in a large tool of Italian national identity, able to not only accompany, but also to promote and encourage the changes that have profoundly changed the history of our country and the collective consciousness of the Italians. Today the Italian Touring Club has exceeded a century old, over 100 years of developments and innovations to follow and often ahead of the times, but also of great continuity with the core values. The soul and the strength of the Touring are its members, more than 280,000 throughout Italy, plus also members of the Junior (ages 6 to 12 years) and young members (aged 13 to 21 years old).

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