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The restoration of the five tables of the Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari, guided tours Laboratorio Opificio delle Pietre Dure di Firenze

The Florence Art and Restoration Fair visitors will be able to access to the laboratory of Restoration of the Fortezza and admire - for the first time in 48 years - the restoration works of the five tables of the Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari painting of the Basilica of Santa Croce, which was flooded in 1966.
Thanks to the courtesy of the staff of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, as part of the round table, the Restoration Laboratory opens its doors to the Florence Art and Restoration Fair visitors who will enjoy the five tables of the Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari.

The three guided tours for up to 20 people each - are scheduled on Friday, November 14 at 16, 16.30 and 17 and will be the exclusive preserve of Florence Fair visitors . Reservations will be carried out by telephone no. + 39-055-217940 from Monday to Friday (from 10 to 13.30 and from 14.30 to 18), starting from November 3 will not be allowed more than two reservations per call .

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