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The Florence Art and Restoration Fair proud sponsor of the FLORENCE Youth and Heritage Festival - ICOMOS GA 2014 Side Event

The Florence Art and Restoration Fair is pleased to announce that collaborates in the FLORENCE Youth and Heritage Festival , an event organized by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, sponsoring this special event for young and its role on issues of intercultural dialogue and the promotion of cultural heritage.

On the occasion of the General Assembly of ICOMOS, 2014, to be held in Florence in November 2014, the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® is organizing a festival on the theme of dialogue among cultures with assets . The event will take place on the streets of the city of Florence and will be the culmination of a journey that will see three active participation in online competitions open and free since January 2014 on the platforms Florence Life Beyond and Tourism Expo. The November event will include, in addition to the three competitions, seminars for international students and exhibitions.
Our goal is to engage, raise awareness and promote dialogue between cultures to get to know, respect and promote peace in the world.
Meetings, debates and exhibitions will take place during the days of the festival, which will also be joined by several international workshops (see schedule below). The Opening will be November 10th at 18:00 with the exhibition opening (CZ Expo 2015, Giochi per bambini Architetti, Philippinas) and the participants in the SPACE 1m3, where several youth of the area have been invited to exhibit her artistic production.
The program also includes two panel discussions that will compare the experiences of young people and professionals. The subjects covered are:
November 11, 10: 00-13: 00 Creative: Past, Present, Future Moderators: Sue Millar, Rohit Jigyasu
Artistic creation is inspired more by past or present? Artists and creative people are often seen as visionary, forward-thinking people as forward-looking. To what extent this common perception has damaged our understanding of the concepts of heritage and conservation? You could, and perhaps should also support the argument that the review of our heritage - tangible and intangible - in the historic centers of all countries of the world depends mainly on the commitment and creative imagination, making sure that the methods of the past do not come into conflict with the new practices of the present.
November 12, 10: 00-13: 00 Sustainable Development: Journey and the Moderators: Michael Turner, Namiko Yamauchi
To what extent the values of heritage, heritage preservation and celebration of our past in our communities contribute to the sustainable development of our quality of life and the environment in which we live now and in the near future? Cultural heritage has been overlooked and underestimated in its importance in the debates that support and promote a different model of sustainable community. We suffered from mono-cultural approaches that lead to division rather than cohesion? As you can travel and communicate based on historical values by improving mutual understanding, respect and peaceful co-existence in different parts of the world?
INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS FOR STUDENTS (November 9 to 16, 2014, Florence) : See the website for the full program.
Starring : The Network of International Youth Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco, Italy, ICOMOS, UNESCO Office of the City of Florence.
Locations of the event : Auditorium al Duomo and ICLAB (Intercultural Creativity Lab - opening soon), the new Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the City of Florence.

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