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The Ministry of Cultural Heritage at the Fair
In an official letter dated the 13th October, the Ministry of Cultura Heritage confirmed its presence at the Florence Art and Restoration Fair. ...continue
Effetto Restauro
From the 18th to the 22 October 2010, at the Laboratories of the Fortezza da Basso of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, the monumental Cross of Giotto from the Florentine Church of Ognisanti will be presented to the public after its successful restoration. ...continue
Patronage of CNA Costruzioni Nazionale
On the 30th September 2010 CNA Costruzioni Nazionale accorded its patronage to the Florence Art and Restoration Fair. ...continue
ICE International Delegation: Mexico and Russia at the Florence Art and Restoration Fair
The Istituto del Commercio Estero (ICE), in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Fair, has confirmed the presence of an International Delegation at the Fair from the 11th to the 13th November. ...continue
Collaboration with Società Chimica Italiana
We are honoured to have the collaboration of the Società Chimica Italiana (Italian Chemistry Society). ...continue
For all the visitors of the Fair: Reduced ticket for the exhibition: 'Bronzino. Artist and Poet at the Court of the Medici'
Ticket-holders for the Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze 2010 can have reduced entry tickets to the exhibition 'Bronzino. Artist and Poet at the Court of the Medici' at Palazzo Strozzi. ...continue
Patronage of ICE - National Institute for International Business
Take part in the Fair, book your Stand now!
In memory of Carlo Enrico Terzano, President of Prorestauro Associazione per il Restauro e la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali
The President of the Fair in Florence with Lucio Dalla
On the 30 June 2010 the President of the Fair, Cav. Franco Sottani, accompanied Lucio Dalla on a cultural tour of Florence. ...continue
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