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The Director of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair at the Shanghai Expo
On the 25th June 2010 the Director of the Fair, Elena Amodei, presented the second edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair at the Italian Pavillion of the Shanghai Expo ...continue
Inscriptions are open for organising a cultural event during the three days of the Fair, send in your Abstract now!
The Fair will be the opening event of the Biennale Internazionale dei Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici di Firenze.
Confindustria Firenze has launched the Florence International Biennial of Cultural and Environmental Heritage to bring together all the foremost institutions working in the heritage sector, based on a development plan conceived by Studio Ambrosetti in Milan. ...continue
Patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
In a telegram dated 21 May 2010, the Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) awarded its patronage to the second edition of the Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze. ...continue
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair at Shanghai Expo 2010
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair will be presented on the 25th June 2010 at the Shanghai Expo at the Auditorium of the Italian Pavillion in a full day conference on “Cities & Cultural Heritage: Innovazione Tecnologica al Servizio dei Beni Culturali”. ...continue
Subscribe now and receive a discount
If you subscribe to the Florence Art and Restoration Fair before the 31st May 2010 the Secretariat will give you a 10% discount.*
Events in Milan: Picnic 2.0 The Wi-Food people – Feeding in the social media age
FUORISALONE 13 /19 APRILE al ROOF di SUPERTSUDIO, Via Tortona 27 Milano, ore 10.00/ 21.00.
Presentato da DDN e Zona7
Patronage of the Provincia di Firenze
The Secretariat of the Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze is pleased to annouce that the Provincia di Firenze, in a letter from President Andrea Barducci on the 1st April, has renewed its patronage of the Fair for 2010. ...continue
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair in the Spanish publication Restauro
The specialist international historical heritage magazine, Restauro, has published an article on the Florence Art and Restoration Fair. ...continue
Patronage of ENIT - Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo
In a letter dated the 10th March, Dr. Matteo Marzotto confirmed the patronage of ENIT- Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo for the second edition of the Salone. ...continue
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