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Renewal of the Patronage of the Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage
Through a letter of 8 May 2014, the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church has renewed His Patronage for the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
The President Franco Sottani , the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretary of the Fair would like to thank Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi , the President and the members of the commission in charge.
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, in responding to the request for renewal of the patronage of the Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage of the Church wanted to express his appreciation for the Exhibition of Art and Restoration in Florence, with these words:
Patronage of the National Council of Architects , Planners, Landscapers and Conservators
By a letter of May 9 , 2014, the Consiglio Nazionale Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori, granted its patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
The President Franco Sottani , the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretary of the Fair would like to thank the President Leopoldo Freyrie , the President of the Department for Culture, Communication and Promotion Simone Cola, the Board Secretary Franco Frison and all the staff .
Notti Blu per l'Europa: HERITAGE CONSERVATION From training to work, from Italy to Europe
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair invites you to the conference :

HERITAGE CONSERVATION From training to work, from Italy to Europe

Florence, May 10, 2014 - Sala Vetrata Le Murate
h . 10:00 to 17:30 in the context of Notti Blu per l'Europa

Promoted in the context of Notti Blu per l'Europa and organised by KERMES , la Rivista del Restauro - Nardini Editore and by the Istituto per l’Arte e il Restauro Palazzo Spinelli
In collaboration with: Europe Direct Firenze and Murate Progetti d’Arte Contemporanea.
Patronage UPI - Union of Italian Provinces
Through a communication dated April 5, 2014 , the UPI - Union of Italian Provinces , granted his patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
The President Franco Sottani , Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretariat of the Fair, would like to thank the Chairman Antonio Saitta and the General Manager Piero Antonelli.
Through a communication of April 5, 2014, the ASSOCIATION CIVITA granted his patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
The President Franco Sottani , Elena Amodei and all the Secretariat of the Fair, would like to thank the President Gianni Letta.
Still open until May 30, the participation requests for the second edition of the Friends of Florence Award
We remind you that on May 30, 2014 expires the deadline for the delivery of projects to participate in the second edition of the Friends of Florence Award- Florence Art and Restoration Fair .
The envelopes must be delivered by hand at the Fair offices in Via Maggio 13 – Florence, or sent by registered mail.
Patronage of the ANCI TOSCANA - Regional Association of Municipalities of Tuscany
Through a communication of April 29, 2014 the ANCI TOSCANA - Regional Association of Municipalities of Tuscany, has granted its patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
The President Franco Sottani , Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretary of the Fair would like to thank the Chairman Alessandro Cosimi, the General Secretary Alessandro Pesci and all the Steering Committee.
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair on the International Trade Fair Calendar
The Florence Art and Restoration Fair has been included in the International Calendar of Fairs
Click here to see the calendar online
The MiBACT at the Florence Art and Restoration Fair
The participation of the MiBACT with a stand at the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair
The Second Edition of the
Sponsored by the Friends of Florence Foundation and by the Florence Art and Restoration Fair
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