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Renewal of the Patronage of the Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage

Through a letter of 8 May 2014, the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church has renewed His Patronage for the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
The President Franco Sottani , the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretary of the Fair would like to thank Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi , the President and the members of the commission in charge.
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, in responding to the request for renewal of the patronage of the Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage of the Church wanted to express his appreciation for the Exhibition of Art and Restoration in Florence, with these words:

" Florence, the cradle of culture and city of art and restoration, is home to the largest percentage of organization, companies, publishing houses, schools and restorers in Italy and in the world. In fact, the Opificio delle Pietre Dure and many other important institutions have always attracted the attention of the public and of the international scientific community on the city. Therefore, to take part at the Exhibition in Florence means to be on the biggest showcase of Cultural Heritage, in a unique city, whose historical center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In this perspective, the exhibition presents itself as an opportunity for a major confrontation between the multiplicity of sectors and the excellence of the cultural heritage market, from conservation to restoration and enhancement , from production to distribution of materials, equipment and accessories, from local projects to major cultural and environmental enhancement projects of international scope, from art to craftsmanship.
Recognizing the cultural and artistic value of this appointment and the reasons for the promotion of the artistic heritage of Florence and Italy, the Commission authority to assess this kind of requests grant the patronage of the Pontifical Culture.
I wish you much success in this fourth edition of the event, while I am pleased to greet you with the warmest cordiality ".

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