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Patronage of the National Council of Architects , Planners, Landscapers and Conservators

By a letter of May 9 , 2014, the Consiglio Nazionale Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori, granted its patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
The President Franco Sottani , the Director Elena Amodei and all the Organizing Secretary of the Fair would like to thank the President Leopoldo Freyrie , the President of the Department for Culture, Communication and Promotion Simone Cola, the Board Secretary Franco Frison and all the staff .

The Consiglio Nazionale Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori, a body set up by the Ministry of Justice with the Law no. 1395/23, has assumed its present name, which replaces the original National Council of Architects, following the entry into force of Decree 328/ 01, which combines the traditional figure of the architect with other specialists having five-year and three-year degrees.

The Council consists of 15 members, elected by the provincial Orders, whose term of office is five years.

The current Board has been in office since 16 March 2011.

The work of deepening of professional issues is pursued by CNAPPC through the work done by its departments .

The National Council assumes determinations in order to provide its opinion and its own interpretation about the measures and laws relating to the exercise of the profession.

The circular sent to the Provincial orders, provide a constant update of the main provisions of a legislative nature related to the professional world .

The Italian system bases its organization on the presence of 105 provincial Orders that are distributed over the entire national territory, that carry out their role of the judiciary in the third degree and promote the culture of the project.

The Executive Councils of the Orders are elected every four years by the members of the provincial structures .

Regional bodies , Consultative Committees and Federations are voluntary bodies that bring together the provincial Orders of the same geographical area with the aim of sharing initiatives related to the protection and promotion of the profession of architect , planner, landscape architect and conservator .

The CUP , Unitary Committee of the Professions, includes all orders and professional colleges in Italy and promotes policies for the protection and enhancement of recognized professions.

The system of representation of the architectural profession is made at the international level, by a number of international organizations, that with the support of their national representation, co-ordinate the activities of various professional bodies and organize festivals and events aimed at promoting the quality of the project .

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