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Through a communication of April 5, 2014, the ASSOCIATION CIVITA granted his patronage to the fourth edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
The President Franco Sottani , Elena Amodei and all the Secretariat of the Fair, would like to thank the President Gianni Letta.

The Associazione Civita , a non-profit organization founded by a group of companies, public research institutions and universities, is an important reference point in the national debate on heritage and cultural activities. The relationship with business allows you to develop initiatives to promote the relation between them and the world of culture.

Today, with over 160 associates ( organizations and companies both public and private ) the association is strongly committed to the "promotion of culture" through research, conferences , events, publications and projects .

It performs actions of development, promotion, technical and political support in favor of associated and promotes the protection of local instances with the Government and the Parliament, to promote the execution of an administrative system that enhances the Province bodies as exponential part of the resident populations in their respective territorial areas .

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