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Presentation of the Quaderni AIAF in the Aula Magna of Palazzo Ridolfi

On Friday, November 15th will be held the conference Investing in art and culture : financial aspects, market, tax in the context of the presentation of the Quaderni AIAF of the Italian Association of Financial Analysts .
' Investing in art and culture : financial aspects, market, tax '

The main "patronage " and " manager " of our country is the public sector; which , however, has increasingly reduced funds for cultural heritage and for cultural activities, both at central and at local authority. The preservation of our cultural heritage is increasingly poor and leads to rising costs . On the other hand , the support of the Italian and foreign private bodies, in the field of sponsorship, is relevant only for great events and projects, in part because of unfavorable tax treatment for donations. At the operating level , although there are many ongoing improvements , we see that there is still a low interaction of many museums and private collections with possible sponsors . In this sense, to encourage a greater involvement of individuals, can play a key role in the accounting and disclosure issues that , if properly implemented by proper business plan, drawn up with a good sensitivity analysis and audited accounts, are able to enhance the availability of donors and employers resources . The future of this sector is crucial for Italy . Finance is an important and difficult challenge, especially in a time in which both the public sector and the manufacturing sector, suffering from an economic crisis difficult to overcome.
Opening Session
Istituto per L’Arte e il Restauro - Emanuele Amodei , General Manager
Introduction: culture and economic growth
Antonio Mansueto, Head of the Cultural Heritage Working Group AIAF , financial analyst and artist, Milan , member of Aiaf
The art market in Italy , backwardness and opportunities
Claudio Borghi Aquilini, Professor of Economics and Art Market, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan , member of AIAF
Planning and control in the cultural and artistic nonprofit institutions
Marianna Sorrente , financial analyst , Florence, member of AIAF
The sponsorship contract
Michele Gucci , chartered accountant , Florence, member of AIAF
Bilbao 's Guggenheim Museum effect
Antonio Mansueto
Opportunities and difficulties of the Italian museum system
Alessandro Furiesi, Director of Civic Art Gallery of Volterra
Michele Gucci , chartered accountant , Florence, member of AIAF
Questions & answers
The interventions will have content in line with the contents of the Quaderni AIAF

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