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Fundraising: a question of culture

Workshop organised by the ASSIF Associazione Italiana Fundraiser
From 8 to 10 November 2012

With great pleasure ASSIF, the Italian Association Fundraiser, accepted the invitation of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair to participate and to contribute to the contents of this important event. The ASSIF was born on October 28, 2000 and it represents those who put their professional skills and knowledge in the service of good causes, with the aim to develop them through daily activities and fundraising projects, in accordance with high ethical standards that ensure transparency and fairness for donors, for organizations and for the same fundraiser.
Its mission is to spread the culture and knowledge of fundraising in Italy, representing and supporting the growth of sector professionals operators. "Fundraising: a question of culture" is a course of action - that ASSIF has created specifically for this structured event in order to highlight the possibility of fruitful synergies between culture and fundraising in the perspective of a development of both sectors: if there is a growing culture of fundraising, culture can grow through fundraising.
For this we have created a series of interventions that aim to disseminate basic information on the subject, with an overview of the features of the fundraising activities applied to the field of culture.
We discuss about the fundraising sector in Italy, the specific dynamics of the field of art and culture from the point of view of fundraising techniques (case studies, presentation of the operations of design, crowdfunding) and about the fiscal aspects that facilitate it.
These interventions are specifically designed for conservators, sector technicians, associations dealing with restoration, students, lovers of art and cultural property, companies that want to know how to communicate with the non-profit world .... in other words, all those who are interested in broadening their horizons on the subject and curious who want to find out what exactly is Fundraising, word that in these days, where there is a lack of public funds, is increasingly being used.

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