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The meeting in Massarosa on Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Saturday January 26, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Villa Gori di Massarosa (Lucca), will take place the national meeting “Al Primo Posto il Patrimonio culturale e ambientale: anteprime per una sinergia comune di sviluppo intelligente e sostenibile.”. Attending the prof. Francesco Amodei that will present some innovative strategies for preservation and conservation of cultural heritage.

The meeting is organised by the Associazione Città Infinite and by the City of Massarosa.

Greetings by Franco Mungai, Major of Massarosa, and indroduction by Cristina Scaletti, Delegate for Culture and Tourism of the Regione Toscana, and by Giovanni Enrico Arrighini, President of the Associazione Città Infinite.

The first part of the meeting (Chairman Riccardo Rolle, Delegate for Culture City of Massarosa), will be dedicated to the theme of cultural heritage and will be introduced by Francesco Amodei, President of the Istituto per l’Arte e il Restauro Palazzo Spinelli of Florence, with a speech on the theme of Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Italy.
After the speeches of Francesca Velani, Fondazione Promo PA and Piero Tartagni, President of the Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Lucca, will be held a public debate with the participation of Domenico Lombardi, Major of Pietrasanta, Giovanna Bernardini, Delegate for Culture City of Carrara, Massimo Millozzi, President of the Unione Comuni della Valdera, Vittorio Marcelli, Delegate for Territory City of Fivizzano, Francesco Pifferi Guasparini, Major of Camporgiano, Alessandro Del Dotto, Major of Camaiore.

The second part of the meeting will be dedicated to the theme of tourism, and will have the participation of Paolo Corchia, President of Federalberghi Toscana, Alessio Ciacci, Delegate for Environmental policies of the City of Capannori , Andrea Serfogli, Delegate for LLPP Pisa.
After the speeches will be held a public debate with the participation of : Paolo Bertoncini Sabatini (Chirman), Scientific Co-ordinator Città Infinite, Silvia Panichi, Delegate for Culture City of Pisa, Ettore Neri, Major of Seravezza, Massimo Dadà, Major of Fosdinovo, Maurizio Verona, President Unione dei Comuni Versilia, Alessandro Tambellini, Sindaco Major of Lucca, Alessandro Cosimi, Major of Livorno.

Download the zip of the meeting (presentation , programme and speeches)

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