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Thursday, November 8, 2012 hours 00:00
Exhibition organised by the Associazione Culturale Pinocchio Home by Carlo Lorenzini in association with the Filistrucchi

Associazione Culturale Pinocchio Home by Carlo Lorenzini
From 8 to 10 November 2012

The Cultural Association of Pinocchio by Carlo Lorenzini exposes the craft workshops of excellence with a special path created by the President, On Arch. Monica Baldi as a part of the European project under the Grundtvig program - LLP/UE.
The restorer Barbara Bersellini will perform 'the restoration of a collection of ceramic objects representing Pinocchio; Gherardo and Gabriele Filistrucchi, as well as showing the process of restoration of vintage wigs, will make visible some of the historical documents Filistrucchi which currently are in a recovery phase and Ricciardo Artusi will perform the Laboratory of Quality based on some of the recipes by Pellegrino Artusi who lived in the same period of Carlo Lorenzini.

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