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Presentation of the Fair at the Restoration Conference on the 27th November 2008
The presentation of the Fair, co-funded by the Camera di Commercio, will be held on the 27th November 2008, from 09:30 to 18,30, in the Sala Luca Giordano of the Provincia di Firenze, Via Cavour 1. ...continue
Visit to Florence of Mr. Peter Mecklenburg, President of Museum Services Corporation, Minnesota, USA
On Thursday 6th November Mr. Peter Mecklenburg came to Florence to visit the city that will host the Art and Restoration Fair 2009. ...continue
Patronage of the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attivitą Culturali
On the 30th July 2008 Elena Amodei received a fax from Sandro Bondi bestowing the patronage of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities on the Fair. ...continue
Confirmation of funding from the Camera di Commercio di Firenze
With resolution No. 136 of the 1st July 2008 the Giunta Camerale, presided over by Dr. Luca Mantellassi, unanimously approved a funding award. ...continue
Scientific patronage of the CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
In a telegram dated 10th July 2008 the President of the Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerca, Prof. Luciano Maini, accorded the Florence Art and Restoration Fair its scientific patronage. ...continue
The cities of Nanchino and Puebla will be at the Fair
The municipalities of Nachino (China) and Puebla (Mexico) have confirmed their presence at the Fair. ...continue
The Istituto per l'Arte e il Restauro has become a partner of the Fair
On the 30th June 2008 the Institute made its commitment to the Restoration Fair official. ...continue
The International University of Art in Florence (U.I.A) has become a partner of the Fair
The director of the University, Prof. Francesco Gurrieri, confirmed the partnership of U.I.A. with the Fair on the 21st May 2008. ...continue
The Exhibition "100 years of restoration in Florence" at the Fair
The architect Giuseppe Cini confirmed the presence of this exhibition on the 15th May 2008: ...continue
The cities of Philadelphia and Valladolid will be at the Fair
On the 20th May the municipalities of Philadelphia (United States) and Valladolid (Spain) confirmed their presence at the Fair. ...continue
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