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Visit to Florence of Mr. Peter Mecklenburg, President of Museum Services Corporation, Minnesota, USA

On Thursday 6th November Mr. Peter Mecklenburg came to Florence to visit the city that will host the Art and Restoration Fair 2009.

In March 2008 Elena Amodei and Mr. Peter Mecklenburg met at a Symposium on paper conservation at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where Dr. Amodei presented a project for the first Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
Interest in this event led Mr. Mecklenburg, his wife and a colleaugue from the University of Minnesota to visit our city and a tour was organised for them by the International Relations Coordinator of the Fair, Catherine Burnett. Their stay was a great success thanks to various meetings with important figures in the cultural heritage sector such as Dr. Marco Ciatti from the Opificio delle Pietre Dure.
Another opportunity to talk on this subject came about at lunch with Cav. Franco Sottani, President of the Fair; Elena Amodei, Director of the Fair; Catherine Burnett, International Relations Coordinator of the Fair; Emanuele Amodei, Director of Palazzo Spinelli per l'Arte e il Restauro; and Mr. Antonio Suarez-Martin, director of the Centro Albayzìn in Granada, Spain. Mr. Suarez-Martin talked about his current project organising a Restoration Fair that will take place in his country in May 2009 and we hope to establish a strong working relationship with him and his team.
The afternoon was taken up by a tour of the city with the art historian and restorer Claudia Reichold, exploring the most important artistic sites in Florence.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our guests for coming to see us in the hope of being able to welcome them to the city again in 2009 for the Art and Restoration Fair.

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