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giovedì 8 novembre 2012 ore 14:00
The Technology District for Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Cities in Tuscany: toward an internationalization of our excellence

CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Area di Ricerche di Firenze con POLIS - Fondazione per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione
Giovedì 8 novembre dalle ore 14:00 alle ore 18:30 - Sala Tintori

In 2011 was established in Tuscany the Technology District for Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Cities, bringing together the many research and economic development of new knowledge, products and innovative services for the protection, conservation, sustainable exploitation of cultural heritage. The intensity of research produced in Tuscany last decade by universities, research centers and companies has been exceptional, with more than 100 projects funded by International, European programs, Ministries and Regional authorities.
Today the District collects the State Universities of Florence, Siena and Pisa, the Normal School and St. Anna School, the National Research Council, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, and more than four hundred companies producing technologies and services.
In this conference, the Tuscany District wishes to present its aims to major institutions for international, European and national policies about research and innovation for Cultural Heritage.
An important contribution will be given by a so important institution as the Archeological Survey of India, a country full of traditions and cultural heritage from a side, and at the same time in full economy development. European Directorate for research will present the future policy for Cultural Heritage in the next program Horizon 2020. There are premises for a strong scientific and technological cooperation exchanging the experiences at international level. To this aim the conference will present the most important projects that can provide synergic support to the internationalization of the Tuscany District.

Sono stati invitati a intervenire: Renzo Salimbeni, Enrico Rossi, Antonia Pasqua Recchia, Debabrata Saha, Gautam Sengupta, Leonardo Masotti, Luisa Prista, Sesto Viticoli, Marco Bellandi, Luca Pezzati

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