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The Presentation of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair in Valladolid

The Florence Art and Restoration Fair has been presented on occasion of the Fair on Cultural Heritage AR&PA of Valladolid (Spain), which was held from the 24 to the 27 May 2012, in the stand dedicated to the Project IMAT, which has been awarded with the First Prize Innovation Award 2012. The Florence Art and Restoration Fair wishes to thank the eng. Rocco Furferi, University of Florence, our partner and his collaborator prof. Massimo Cucchiarini.

The Project IMAT si colloca all'interno del 7° Programma Quadro della Commissione Europe per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo Tecnologico. Il progetto ha il preciso intento di elaborare e diffondere nuove tecnologie e conoscenze nell'ambito del restauro, puntando su un partenariato d'eccellenza nel campo delle nanotecnologie.
IMAT (Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermoelectrical Mild Heating Device for Art Conservation) is a very innovative project for its new concept of the vacuum table which obtained from the Europen Commision of the mark of 12,5 on 15, confirmed during the last month debate of Brussel.s
The project was financed with funds of the European Commission (1.800.0000,00 euro in three years.

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