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Thursday, November 8, 2012 hours 17:30
The conservation works in the Church of the Nativity in Betlemme and the project of restoration of the decorated surfaces

Thursday November 8 2012, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. - Talking Corner

Presentation of the results of the studies and of the historical-critical and technical in-depth carried out by the units of an interdisciplinary team commissioned by the Palestinian National Authority as a result of an international call. Specifically, will be presented the preliminary project of restoration of the decorated surfaces, the mosaics and the paintings of the church. The religious value and the historical and architectural consistency of the Basilica of the Nativity make it one of the most important monument of the in human history. The interdisciplinary team consists of: Postgraduate School of Architectural Heritage and Landscape of "La Sapienza" University of Rome, CFR-SadLab University of Ferrara (general coordination), Benecon II University of Naples, CDG Palestine, CNR Ivalsa, Lap&T-Laaum University of Siena, SCDS Canada.

Attending: Nicola Santopuoli, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici

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