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Thursday, November 8, 2012 hours 11:30
The fundraising yesterday, today and tomorrow: perspectives of Fundraising and role of the Fundraisers in Italy

Thursday November 8 2012, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Talking Corner

In our times, where rapid change constantly happens, it is necessary to understand how work the the socio economic and cultural process of evolution, in order to influence the processes in place, anticipating the most desirable scenarios for individuals, non-profit organizations and the whole community. Fundraising activities, too often considered residual and then relegated only to the operations of sponsorship and charity, proved to be a valuable tool to understand and support the development of communities and territories as it bases its work on the care of the relationships between people and things, between needs and resources. In this context, the figure of the professional fundraiser plays a strategically important role, as he can become a promoter and a facilitator of all the processes that strongly contribute to a balanced development of the communities.

Attending: Luciano Zanin, President of the ASSIF and fundraising consultant

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