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Thursday, October 25, 2012 hours 14:30
Outside the Fair: Preview of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair. "The current critical situation of Cultural Heritage: Finance, Education and Relations between Public and /PMI

"A.C.L.I. Firenze, Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro di Firenze, Istituto per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali del CNR (CNR-ICVBC), Associazione Città Infinite
Conference - 25 October 2012 from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. - Teatro del Cestello, Firenze
The event is organised by the ACLI of Florencee, by the Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro di Firenze, by the Istituto per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali del CNR (CNR-ICVBC) and by the Associazione Città Infinite, will debate about the theme of the current critical situation of Cultural Heritage in terms of Finance, Education and Relations between Public and /PMI.

Each topic will be faced in a public debate which have a format of two contradictory thesis presented by a representative of academic or business sector that illustrate one or more critical situations and the institutional reference that is liable for actions taken to solve these problems. Each topic will be introduced from 1one or two speakers that provide the framework for the themes of the debate by referring to specific cases.
The conference, already approved by the Scientific Committee of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair, will anticipate the International event of November which this year will be held for its third edition at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, and which will have as a speakers prominent personalities from academic world, science, business and institutional sectors. Given the strategic priority to enhance our cultural heritage, the results which will emerge during the conference will be collected in a special website on the portal of the Associazione Città Infinite with the support of the management of the scientific direction of the CNR-ICVBC and they will be updated on the base of periodic monitoring, proposals and initiatives, in order to create a point of reference for the entire field of Cultural Heritage.
The outcome of these efforts will be the starting point of the next meeting to be held in Florence at the beginning of summer 2013, and they will fuel a continuous comparison between institutions and entrepreneurs through regular meetings and discussions.
This event, given the difficult context that the country is going through, stems from the awareness that our cultural heritage is not only an essential element of identity and civic consciousness, but a unique resource that can enable the economic, social and cultural development of the country in compliance with the ethical principles guaranteeing at the same time its protection and its enhancement.

Coordinators: Piero Tiano, Giovanni Enrico Arrighini
Introductions: Elena Amodei, Mario Ringressi, Vezio Manneschi, Piero Tiano, Giovanni Enrico Arrighini
Speakers: Santo Emanuele Mungari, Stefano Filipponi, Andrea Marcucci, Luigi Ficacci, Paola Vacchina, Antonella Salvini, Marco Ciatti, Vittoria Franco, Gaetano Scognamiglio, Antonella Ferrari, Sara Penoni, Andrea Serfogli

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