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Friday, November 9, 2012 hours 10:00
Preventive conservation in Contemporary Art

Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dei Materiali – (Scibec-Instm)
Friday November 9, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. - Sala Boito
Cavaniglia Pavilion, Fortezza da Basso, Florence

The meeting focuses on the conservation of contemporary art; the list of the speakers will include experts in the field of conservation and science applied to conservation.
The workshop will focus mainly on the results and the future prospects of the project PAR-FAS COPAC "Preventive Conservation of contemporary art" financed with funds of the Regione Toscana.
In the course of the meeting the speakers will describe the diagnostic campaigns and the interventions of conservation carried out on contemporary art artworks by: Keith Haring, Anselm Kiefer, Claudio Parmigianni. Pino Gallizio, and all the legal aspects connected with the restoration of contemporary art.

Coordinator: Maria Perla Colombini, Mauro Matteini

Speakers: Maria Perla Colombini, Mauro Matteini, Antonio Rava, Will Shank, Maddalena Fossombroni, Costanza Miliani, Letizia Montalbano , Vincenzo Palleschi, Marcello Picollo, Stefano Pezzato.

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