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Friday, November 9, 2012 hours 15:45
Fundraising: a question of culture. A reflection on the best methods, tools, strategies and actions of territorial Fundraising in the restoration sector

WORKSHOP organised by the ASSIF Associazione Italiana Foundraiser
Friday, November, 9 from 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Saletta Rosi

Italy has one of the richest cultural heritages in the world and for this reason, it is an indispensable necessity to continually find resources to preserve and protect such a vast historical and artistic capital. Lots of people who care about this heritage and want to take care of because they recognize the link with the territory's own identity and the sense of belonging to a beautiful and rich in history place. Through the development of this bond is possible to launch processes of fundraising which could be also suitable for small and medium sized reality; it is in fact from the encounter between people's desires and needs of art that could be created good practice to finance the conservation and the preservation of a heritage as unique. Fundraising through the use of simple tools and proper planning of the activities, is the medium able to make effective potential and availability living in the various territorial areas transforming them into actions of sharing, donation and support.

Speaker: Susanna Stefanoni

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