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Friday, November 9, 2012 hours 10:00
Fundraising: a question of culture, operational dynamics of the sector of fundraising for the arts and culture and limits of the strategies of Fundraising

WORKSHOP organised by the ASSIF Associazione Italiana Foundraiser
Friday, November, 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. – Saletta Rosi

The need to face the decreased availability of public resources of funding more and more push the organizations working in the cultural sector such as museums, libraries, theatres, cultural foundations and associations to look around in search of new sustainability strategies. Against some signals of growing interest, the fundraising activity still remains uncommon in the cultural sector, conducted mostly in erratic and unprofessional way, limited to particular occasions, not perceived as a strategic function in the construction of political involvement of the private sector. In an in-depth reflection on what are the pre-conditions for mobilizing the fundraising in the cultural field, the meeting will make a quick selection of markets and subjects, examples of excellence and practical tools to design new strategies for sustainability organizations working in the field.

Speaker: Marianna Martinoni

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