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Saturday, November 10, 2012 hours 14:00
Roof Care - An

Roof Care - An example: The Renaissance Church of Santa Maria in Bressanoro at Castelleone
Saturday, November 10 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Sala Bianchi

The specific problem of the conservation of architectural heritage is the lack of an accurate, continuous and widespread routine maintenance. Many and complex are the main causes that can be identified: the politics of public interventions on architectural heritage more directed to support emergency or other restoration rather than routine maintenance, the difficulty of "visibility" of maintenance with the consequent loss of interest from potential sponsors other subjects, the widespread perception that the preservation of a historic building realized only through episodic interventions of restoration and not a good constant care
procurement regulations and safety for local owners to the business market and the work that naturally favours offer important (and expensive) restoration activities with respect to a continuous "small" routine maintenance.
Now is the time, however, even in the field of restoration, to make a sincere spending review that can guide the few resources to projects really necessary to know the practices that look to the future of our heritage. Roofs are the main shelter of the buildings and ensure its preservation anyway their maintenance is often discouraged by many factors. So we have experienced in some pilot sites an innovative technique that uses the most advanced methods together with the rediscovery of the ancient craft of the so called "conciatetti". The examples we have made have ensured the opportunity to act intelligently and economically together with the rediscovery of lost precious practice and the confidence to perform periodic maintenance without incurring high costs as normally happen.

Co-ordinator: Cinzia Gimondi Speakers: Lanfranco Secco Suardo, Marco Ermentini, Andrea Alberti, Achille Bonazzi, Emanuela Carpani, Paolo Maria Farina

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