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Thursday, November 8, 2012 hours 12:30
Exhibitions: The project of conservation and restoration of the Pallio Bizantino of San Lorenzo, coming from the Museo di Sant’Agostino of Genoa

PROMOTED by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure e Laboratori di Restauro di Firenze , Settore Materiali Tessili The preliminary press conference is scheduled at the 12 hours of Thursday November 8, 2012 in the Sala Boito

At the Restoration Laboratory of Textile of Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, directed by Marco Ciatti, is "hospitalized" a work of exceptional importance, the pallium of San Lorenzo, a masterpiece of textile art donated by the Emperor of Byzantium to the city of Genoa in 1261.
The Director of the Museum of Sant’Agostino, where the work is currently placed, Adelmo Taddei, and Loredana Pessa responsible for the civic collections of textiles of the Municipality of Genoa, have in fact commissioned the Institute of Florence, to take care of the product by defining a suitable project of conservation and restoration. To present the work, its problems and the restoration project was set up by the Municipality of Genoa, in collaboration with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, an educational exhibition at the Museum of Sant’Agostino, open from 15 December 2011 until March 2012

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