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Saturday, November 10, 2012 hours 13:15
Survey and Restoration. The painted ceilings in the private historical sixteenth century buildings in Bologna.

Studio di restauro Patrizia Roncadi in collaboration with the Fondazione Museo Martin Bodmer of Ginevra and the publishing house Minerva
Saturday, November 10 from 1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. - Saletta Rosi
Cavaniglia Pavilion, Fortezza da Basso, Florence

The discovery of the decorative heritage of Bologna has often coincided with the restoration of the ceilings in question, demonstrating in this way the great privilege of restoration seen as a close dialogue with the artwork, absolutely unique and unrepeatable.
The survey conducted in the field showed the evolution of the bipolarity of the interior decorative evolution, typical of the second half of the sixteenth century in Bologna and characterized:
a) on the one hand, by the evident formal continuity between the distributions of the ceiling, punctuated by beams and joists and the rhythmic of the frescoed friezes painted on the walls,
b) on the other hand, by the close similarity between the scenes, often biblical, painted in the friezes, and the scenes, often allegorical painted on the ceilings.
Speaker:Patrizia Roncadi

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