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Friday, November 9, 2012 hours 13:45
Basilica Della Ss. Annunziata di Firenze. Interventions of restorations of the the fresco depicting the Madonna del Sacco by Andrea del Sarto and the bronze Crucifix by Giambologna (years 2010-2011)

Fondazione Friends of Florence

Friday, November 9 from 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. - Sala Boito

During the meeting will be presented the two restoration works carried out in the Basilica of Ss Annunziata in Florence and ended last year (2011). These are two masterpieces of Florentine and Italian 16th century art, such as the fresco of the Madonna del Sacco by Andrea del Sarto and the Crucifix in bronze by Giambologna, located respectively the first in the Chiostro dei Morti and the second near the altar of the Cappella del Soccorso, inside the Basilica. The two interventions are an important part of the restoration in Florence and their presentation at the Fair will be able to contribute to the enrichment of historical knowledge and techniques related to two works that are so important in the area of the city. The restorations were made respectively by Cristiana Conti and Alessandra Popple for the Company SAR (fresco) and Nicola Salvioli, for the Consortium CER (Crucifix).
interventions financed entirely by the non-profit foundation "Friends of Florence", President Simonetta Brandolini D'Adda, with the special contribution of the following donors : CIM Investment Management, with James and Ellen Morton for Andrea del Sarto artwork, Robert and Kathleen Craine for Giambologna crucifix.
The restorations were approved and carried out under the direction of: Soprintendenza Speciale Patrimonio storico, artistico, etnoantropologico e per il Polo Museale of Florence - Superintendent: Cristina Acidini. Scientific-Technical Direction for the restoration of the fresco: Dr. Brunella Teodori, Superintendent PSAE and Polo Museale of Florence, Scientific-Technical Direction for the restoration of the Crucified: Dr. Laura Lucchesi, Servizio Musei Civici of Florence, Dr. Brunella Teodori, Superintendent PSAE and Polo Museale of Florence.

Speakers: Brunella Teodori, Christian Conti, Alessandra Popple, Nicola Salvioli

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