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Scientific Meeting: FROM THE EXECUTIVE PROJECT TO THE FINAL TESTING promoted by the magazine Arkos Scienza e Restauro

The magazine Arkos Scienza e Restauro invite you on the 6 December 2010 in the Library of the Uffizi in Florence, at the Scientific Meeting: FROM THE EXECUTIVE PROJECT TO THE FINAL TESTING


Moderator: Claudio Montagni

at 10 a.m.
Registration activities

at 10,15 a.m.
Authorities introduction

at 10,30 a.m.
Giorgio Bonsanti
Maintenance checking

at 11 a.m.
Adalgisa Donatelli–Donatella Fiorani
The documentation of the interventions of restoration as a verifying instrument in the final testing procedures

at 11,30 a.m. Lorenzo Apollonia
The needs for a programmed conservation programme:from project to maintenance

at 12 p.m. Stefano Della Torre-Valeria Pracchi
Programmino the conservation activities

at 12,30 p.m. Andrea Giannantoni
Structural consolidation of historical buildings: from project to execution

at 1 p.m. buffet


Moderator: Adolfo Pasetti

at 3 p.m. Mauro Matteini
Criteria and parameters for the interventions of restoration: reflections and proposals

at 3,30 p.m. Rebecca Fant–Antonio Sansonetti
An experimental site. The experience of the restoration process of the facades of the Ca’Granda in Milan

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