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The eighth edition of the CONTEMPOARTEFESTIVAL

The Florence Art and Restoration Fair suggests the eighth Edition of the CONTEMPOARTEFESTIVAL which will take place in Florence and in Prato from the 19 November to the 20 December 2010.
Florence and Prato, for almost one month will be linked by a same stage entirely devoted to contemporary culture and music.

The festival will start on the 19 November at the Centro per l’arte Contemporanea L. Pecci, where the trumpet of Michele Lomuto, will guide visitors through the exhibition by Michael Lin, in a sort of voyage between art and music, in a visual journey which will pass from places like the Teatro Metastasio, the library of the Uffizi, the Conservatory L. Cherubini, the Aula Magna of the University of Florence, the Nuovo Magnolfi of Prato, the Accademia Bartolomeo Cristofori and the Museo Marino Marini.

On the11 December in the foyer of the Teatro Metastasio, Aldo Bennici and Giuliano Gori will talk about the work made by Dani Karavan for the music of the Don Perlimplin by Bruno Maderna played by Contempoartensemble.

The closing concert is an homage to the Spain by Manuel De Falla wich will play musics from the most important contemporary Spanish composers as Luis de Pablo and Mauricio Sotelo which wrote for this occasion “Cripta per Manuel De Falla”. Quirino Principe will present this event.

Free entrance
For the concert of the 20 d December info - - tel/fax +39 (0)55 55221646

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