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Patronage of ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites - Italian Committee

The President of the Fair received a fax from Ing. Arch. Maurizio Di Stefano confirming the Patronage of the ICOMOS Italian Committee.

The Fair is honoured to welcome as one of its patrons the NGO ICOMOS, which is dedicated to the conservation of historic world monuments and sites.

Furthermore, as a reference point for UNESCO it plays an extremely important role in the conservation and restoration of monuments and in the identification of cultural heritage to add to the official list of world heritage. The organisation's objectives include gathering information on conservation and restoration techniques, encouraging the adoption of International Conventions, bringing together highly qualified professionals operating in the sector and creating national and international administrative Centres specialised in conservation.

President Franco Sottani, Director Elena Amodei and the Secretariat of the Fair would like to sincerely thank President Ing. Arch. Maurizio Di Stefano and the ICOMOS staff for their kind support.

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