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Observing the Cultural Heritage. Determining its state of conservation and communicationg it to public
This year in Rome, from the 4 to the 6 December will take place the third edition of the international conference HERITY entitled: Observing the Cultural Heritage. Determining its state of conservation and communicating it to public.
The conference is designed for cultural heritage sites curators, management and conservation operators, politicians, tourism guides, teachers and University lecturers.

Medal from the President of the Republic recognising the merit of the Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze
On the 28th October 2010, in a letter addressed to the Fair's President Cav. Franco Sottani,
Nardini Editore moves to a new site
The prestigious Florentine publishing house, Nardini Editore, has moved to Via Cavour 15, 50129 Firenze, a short distance from the Palazzo Medici Riccardi (seat of the Provincia di Firenze). ...continue
Press Conference - Florence Art and Restoration Fair 2010
The Press Conference for the 2010 Edition of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair will take place on Friday 29th October at 12,00 at the Press Room "Oriana Fallaci", Palazzo Medici Riccardi, via dè Ginori nr. 8, Firenze. ...continue
Effetto Restauro
From the 18th to the 22 October 2010, at the Laboratories of the Fortezza da Basso of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, the monumental Cross of Giotto from the Florentine Church of Ognisanti will be presented to the public after its successful restoration. ...continue
The Ministry of Cultural Heritage at the Fair
In an official letter dated the 13th October, the Ministry of Cultura Heritage confirmed its presence at the Florence Art and Restoration Fair. ...continue
Patronage of CNA Costruzioni Nazionale
On the 30th September 2010 CNA Costruzioni Nazionale accorded its patronage to the Florence Art and Restoration Fair. ...continue
ONLINE NOW - Cultural Events programme of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair 2010
You can download the Cultural Events 2010 progamme from the Home Page and check out the Events section of the website for updated information. ...continue
ICE International Delegation: Mexico and Russia at the Florence Art and Restoration Fair
The Istituto del Commercio Estero (ICE), in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Fair, has confirmed the presence of an International Delegation at the Fair from the 11th to the 13th November. ...continue
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