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Saturday, November 13, 2010 hours 17:00
The consolidation of mural paintings with Nanorestore: hygrothermal influences of the parameters and the presence of salts during the process

Restoration laboratory of Sara Di Gregorio
Training Area - Saturday November 13- from 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

This research was carried out in the context of a Master in Conservation and Restoration dissertation made at the SUPSI of Lugano in collaboration with the Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase di Firenze (CSGI). The study focuses the main properties of the Nanorestore® as consolidant agent used in particular thermo-hygrometric conditions on the surface of mural paintings. In particular it was studied the incidence on the consolidation process, of a major water concentration, due to the presence on the surface of hydro-scope salts caused by the high values of relative humidity, in the internal parts of the artwork. It was developed in this sense a standard model of a separated painted plaster, infested by salts. The consolidation processes were carried out at different thermo-hygrometric conditions in order to study the product response on various types of pre- assembled samplings. This modus operandi was applied to many other case histories with not very good results. Anyway the research at the end proved that the Nanorestore® treatment on mural paintings affected by the presence of hydro-scope salts have not contraindications with values of relative humidity of more than 85%. Water, which is adsorbed for a condensation mechanism by the salt parts, seems to have a good influence on the process of carbonization of the applied elements.

Speaker: Sara Di Gregorio

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