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Thursday, November 11, 2010 hours 15:15
The consolidation of carbonate rocks. Bio-stimulation of bacteria specialized in producing calcium carbonate. Feasibility assessment

Restoration studio of Marco Bacci
Training Area - Thursday November 11- from 3:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The carbonated obtained by the bio-stimulation of the bacteria was, in the past, considered as a sort of novel, for the reason why this method seemed to give not good consolidation results. Only in recent time, it was demonstrated that the bacteria obtained by the Myxococcus Xanto is able to produce enough calcium carbonate to protect and consolidate the stone artefact with a carbonated binding. This new substrate creates parts of calcite carbonated in grains and deposits them on the crystals preserving also the natural exchange of gas with the external atmosphere .

Speaker: Marco Bacci.

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