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Saturday, November 13, 2010 hours 12:30
The antique Castro: discovery practices and the preservation of a forgotten City

City of Ischia di Castro (VT) in collaboration with the Associazione Palazzo Spinelli
Saturday November 13- from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sala Giuseppe Rosi

A recent acquisition, the site of the ancient Etruscan-Roman town of the area Vulcente, ex capital in the Renaissance age of the Vulcente Dukedom that presents a series of communication and conservation problems. This conference wants to clarify the main historical events which characterized this area near the river Fiora and at the same time will try to discuss about the problems arisung out from the recent campaigns of excavation and restoration.

Speakers: Anna Laura, Renato Macchioni, Paolo Pieri Nerli

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