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Thursday, November 11, 2010 hours 10:00
Exhibit “A Preview”- Exhibition project: The Antique Ships of Pisa

A traveling exhibit, presented by the Tuscan Superintendence of Archaeological Heritage- The Antique Ship Museum of Pisa. (Exhibition facilitated for the visually impaired with explanatory texts in braille)
From Thursday November 11 to Saturday November 13

The section “Il Bagaglio di un Marinaio” (nr. 59 of the Museo delle Navi Antiche di Pisa), was conceived as a moveable exhibition, whose main aim is to promote the Museum which will be lately opened.
The section focuses the discovery, made during the excavation works of the ship “A” of the site, of a wooden box, with a metal lock, in a good state of conservation and with the major part of its content inside. The box contained a small vegetal sack with almost 160 bronze coins inside (the monthly wage of a mariner) a wooden umbilicus (a stick with around it a written parchment), a writing case, a tinder box, a flint, a ceramic box with a cork and a little of its content (probably a balsam). The finds, restored by the Centro di Restauro del Legno Bagnato, are in very good state of conservation and they are exhibited in close connection with the same modern objects. In association with the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze the exhibition was prepared with a series of facilities reserved to blind people who can perfectly understand the various aspects of the exhibition.

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