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Saturday, November 13, 2010 hours 10:00
Various problems and various solutions in restoring Florentine heritage

Special Superintendence for Historical, Artistical and ethno-anthropological Heritage for the City of Florence's Polo Museale
Saturday Novermber 13- from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sala Giovanni Secco Suardo

President: Cristina Acidini

<Moderators: Maria Grazia Vaccari, Magnolia Scudieri

Speakers: Monica Bietti, Lucia Biondi, Sabrina Biondi, Anna Bisceglia, Susanna Bracci, Roberto Buda, Alessandro Cecchi, Massimo Chimenti, Bartolomeo Ciccone, Silvia Colucci, Giacomo Dini, Francesca Fiorelli Malesci, Claudia Gerola, Marina Ginanni, Giovanna Giuntini, Roberta Iannaccone, Mauro Linari, Marco Marchi, Giuseppe Montagna, Andrea Niccolai, Fabrizio Paolucci, Daniela Parenti, Marcello Picollo, Elena Prandi, Daniele Rapino, Antonio Russo, Stefania Salomone, Maria Sframeli, Brunella Teodori, Simone Vettori, Alessandro Zanini.

One day workshop organised by the Ufficio e laboratorio Restauri della Soprintendenza SPSAE e per il Polo Museale della città di Firenze.

Chairman: Dr. Cristina Acidini

Morning Session:

Moderator: Dr. Maria Grazia Vaccari

10 a.m.: Monica Bietti, Barbara Lavorini, Luigi Orata, Paolo Roma, Leonardo Severini: The restoration of the Medicean paintings and 'festive' apparatus
10:30 a.m: Alessandro Cecchi, A recovered masterpiece: the portrait of Giovanni dalle Bande Nere by Francesco Salviati
11 a.m: Anna Bisceglia, Lucia Biondi, Susanna Bracci, Roberto Buda, The restoration of the polittico by Mariotto di Nardo at Sant’Angelo a Legnaia
11:30 a.m: Magnolia Scudieri, Giacomo Dini, Bartolomeo Ciccone, Daniele Angellotto: Interventions for a global recovery of the Cloister of Sant’Antonino at San Marco
12 p.m: Fabrizio Paolucci, Mauro Linari, Antonio Russo, The restoration of the facade of Villa Corsini and of its internal rooms.
12:30 p.m:: Brunella Teodori, Massimo Chimenti, Alessandro Zanini, Sponsorships and restorations in the complex of the S.S. Annunziata: the mural paintings by Bernardino Poccetti in the Cappella del Soccorso, the stone monument of Guglielmo di Durfort in the chiostro dei Morti
1 p.m: Magnolia Scudieri, Maria Grazia Vaccari, Presentation of the new edition of the 'Quaderni dell’Ufficio Restauri della Soprintendenza'

Afternoon Session:

Moderator Dr.ssa Magnolia Scudieri

2:30 p.m:Anna Bisceglia, Simone Vettori, Giovanna Giuntini, Stefania Salomone, The Compagnia di Sant’Agostino a Legnaia: problema of conservaion, studies and recoveries.
3 p.m: Maria Grazia Vaccari, Marina Ginanni, Elena Prandi, Marco Marchi: The Dittico Carrand of the Museo Nazionale del Bargello. Preliminary analyses and restoration process
3:30 p.m: Susanna Bracci, Marina Ginanni, Marcello Picollo, Roberta Iannaccone, Daniela Parenti, Silvia Colucci, Preliminary analyses for a better knowledge of the cassoni Landau Finaly
4 p.m: Mirella Branca, Mauro Linari, Daniele Rapino, Sabrina Biondi, Reassembling of the copy of the fountain of Ercole e Anteo in the Garden of the Villa Medicea di Castello
4:30 p.m: Magnolia Scudieri, Marco Marchi, Giuseppe Montagna, Maria Sframeli: The importance of the “minor” restoration process: frames and others
5 p.m: Mauro Linari, Claudia Gerola, Andrea Niccolai, Two examples of consolidation of wooden structures in placet reserved to restoration activities: the Sughera and the Cucinone of the Galleria del Costume
5:30 p.m: Maria Grazia Vaccari, Francesca Fiorelli Malesci, Francesco Delacqua: The Ufficio Restauri in its on line version

Opificio delle Pietre Dure e Laboratori di Restauro di Firenze
Saturday November 13- from 10 a.m. to 1,30 p.m., Sala Gaetano Bianchi

organised by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure e Laboratori di Restauro di Firenze
10:00: Introduction: Isabella Lapi, Superintendent of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure

10:15 a.m.: Antonio Natali, The naturalism of the Nano Morgante
10:30 a.m.: Marco Ciatti, The general project of conservation
11:00 a.m.: Diane Kunzelman, The preliminary diagnostic analyses, the operative choises and the restoration process: the aesthetic asset and the removal of the old over-paintings.
11:50 a.m.: Debora Minotti, Luisa Landi, Main Characteristic of the canvas, damages and technical solutions.
12:30 p.m.: Ezio Buzzegoli, The precious gifts of the Nano: history, conditions, occasions, choices
Italian Association Of Conservation Scientists in collaboration with the Italian Chemistry Society, and the University of Florence- Degree Course in Conservation Technology and Restoration and Master degree course of Science in Conservation Technology and Restoration

Saturday November 13- from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sala Camillo Boito

It is since quite ten years that the Italian University has been activated some degree courses for Conservation of Cultural Heritage Scientists. Graduated should work in close connection with restorers during restoration works, diagnostic analyses, researchers and in general, they represent a sort of trait d’union among scientists, art historians, conservators and researchers. Anyway, cause of legislation lacks in the field of restoration, conservation scientists have actually a lot of problems in finding job in their specialization field.
This event has the main aim to open an open debate on the future of this professional figure wth many delegates coming from politician, academic and conservation work.

Prof. Luigi Dei (Moderator), University of Florence: Introduction

Maria Teresa Iaquinta, ICCROM: Relationship between science and cultural heritage

Prof. Luigi Campanella, Società Chimica Italiana (SCI): The conservation scientist figure

Prof. Franco Lucarelli, University of Florence and Prof. Ettore Gigante, University of Rome: Specific educational training of the conservation scientist (degree classes L43 e LM11)

Dr. Alessandra Petrucci, Dr. Giuseppe Losco, Dr. Stefano Tortorella, Consiglio Universitario Nazionale (CUN): A new order of the degree classes in the field of conservation of cultural heritage

Dr.Michele Baglioni and Dr.Andrea Macchia, Italian Association of Conservation Scientists (IACS): The opportunity for a job of the graduated in the classes L43 e LM11

Prof. Maurizio Seracini, University of California, San Diego and Editech: The importance of conservation scientist in the management and the evaluation of the art and cultural heritage

Dr. Magnolia Scudieri, Polo Museale di San Marco, Firenze: The relationship between Superintendence and students in the degree courses in science and technologies of conservation of cultural heritage

Dr. Salvo Barrano, Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (ANA), Associazione 20 Maggio e Coordinamento delle Libere Associazioni Professionali (COLAP): Finding a Job, a problem in the sector of cultural heritage

Prof. Corrado Sarzanini, Società Chimica Italiana – Divisione Chimica per l’Ambiente e i Beni Culturali: Which are the best strategies to face the lack of a professional recognised qualification title?

Dr. Antonia Pasqua Recchia, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (MIBAC): The Ministerial actions for promoting the professional figure of the conservation scientist in the context of cultural heritage: role, competences and responsibility

Hon. Valentina Aprea, PDL and Sen. Andrea Marcucci, PD: Politics and cultural heritage,
Saturday November 13- from 10 a.m. to 10,45 a.m. - Talking Corner di Kermes. La rivista del restauro.

Attending: Giancarlo Cauteruccio, Pietro Gaglianò
The conferente consists in a meeting with Giancarlo Cauteruccio (Art Director of the Teatro Studio of Scandicci). Attending Pietro Gaglianò (Art critic) and some other artists selected by Giancarlo Cauteruccio.

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