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Friday, November 12, 2010 hours 11:30
“OPD 2.0”

Opificio delle Pietre Dure e Laboratori di Restauro
Friday Novermber 12- from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sala Giovanni Secco Suardo

Introduction: Isabella Lapi
Speakers: Giuseppe Ariano, Giancarlo Buzzanca, Christian Ghiron, Flavio Giurlanda, Maria Teresa Natale, Nicola Ruggieri
Presented by: Giancarlo Buzzanca

The meeting, introduced by Isabella Lapi, Superintendent of the Opificio, and co-ordinated by Giancarlo Buzzanca, present the OPD links YouTube and Facebook and various other events acted by the Mibac. In this sense there will be an interesting debate on the various web experience of public and private actors and some reflections on the 'Manuale per l'interazione con gli utenti del Web culturale'. The presentation of the first results of the opinion poll made by CulturaItalia on the website visitors.

Introduction: Isabella Lapi.

Giancarlo Buzzanca, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, OPD 2.0 Internet and Web in spite of some rumours about the death of web.

Giuseppe Ariano, Christian Ghiron, Ministero per i beni e le Attività Culturali, Direzione Generale per la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale, i-MiBAC: a technological avantguard for the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage.

Maria Teresa Natale, Nicola Ruggieri, ICCU, Otebac Contents generated by the visitors of web. Are cultural institutions ready to face them?

Flavio Giurlanda, Portale del Restauro: Blog and social networks: share and practise art on the web.

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