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Thursday, November 11, 2010 hours 14:30
The elimination of reoccurring humidity using Electrocibernetics (electromagnetic impulses)

ECODRY GmbH - Monaco, Germany
Thursday November 11- from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Sala Leonetto Tintori
The ECODRY is located in Sauerlach (Munich) and it was founded in 1985 by founder members Mr. Konrad W. Friedrich and Mr, Werner Büsch. The ECODRY works, in its laboratories of Sauerlach, in the field of research of new technologies focused to avoid the damages caused by the mural humidity. Its results were very appreciated in German and in many other European countries including Italy.

The ECODRY Italia is an associated brand of the Ecodry Systeme GmbH
. The electromagnetic waves of the ECODRY instruments had a particularly frequency which is able to regularly expand the characteristic angle given by the action of the atoms of hydrogen and the molecules of water. This is due to the fact that the slow magnetic field associated to these electromagnetic waves works as an inductor field, which gives to the water reaction an amplifier action applied to the Larmor precession phenomena. Water in fact expands its diamagnetism characteristics due to orbital electronic changes and to the whole molecular structures deformations.
In particular:
1) There is a sort of capillary inhibition due to the predominance of the molecular forces which are dominating respect to the adhesion ones, which have to be considered as the interaction forces between the molecules of water and those one of different elements (in this case the construction materials considered as capillary elements);
2) Water, while changing its molecular structure lost in a great percentage its electric and solvent characteristics losing its salts transportation functions and consequently defeating the process of salt osmosis. In this sense it is better to remind that in case of low ionic concentration of salt mural structures they lost their conductive characteristics.
The electro-cybernetic technology ECODRY can generate so an electromagnetic field inside the mural structure which can interact with the water molecules in a sort of harmony action with its colloidal structure aimed to stop the humidity process. In this way, the natural process of humidity dissemination is stopped by the ECODRY method, which can also begin to dry the treated mural structures.
It can so be considered as a dehumidification non invasive system, which needs to be activated only of a slow electromagnetic field, properly addressed in close relationship with the used materials following previous experienced similar actions.
The ECODRY, has in this sense a thirty year experience in this field and the electromagnetic field produced by the ECODRY system is an health safety action as certified by the responsible ministerial institutions. Speakers: Prof. Valerio Valiani, Rossano De Rosa

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