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Friday, November 12, 2010 hours 14:30
Loggia della Mercanzia of Siena. An attemp to reconstruct color in various historical eras

El.En. s.p.a.
Friday November 12- from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Sala Camillo Boito

The meeting presents the results of the restoration site carried out in the 15th century Loggia della Mercanzia, one of the most important architectural monument of Siena. It is located next to the Croce del Travaglio near Piazza del Campo and it was built between the years 1417 and1448 by the Municipality of Siena to allow “i mercanti e gli altri rispettabili cittadini potessero radunarsi a trattare de loro negozi". In the 18th century it was sold to the Società degli Uniti del Casino dei Nobili. The monument was seriously deteriorated; a vast and delicate intervention of conservation of the marble surfaces was carried out by the firm Voltolini Mario di Siena with the technical direction of the Arch. Alberto Scarampi di Pruney and the art direction of Stefano Landi. The restoration process was supervised by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Storici Artistici ed Etnoantropologici e dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e per il Paesaggio di Siena e Grosseto. Thanks to the firm El.En. of Florence, which provided the instruments used during the preliminary tests and during the restoration process. During the intervention were made some very interesting discoveries as the presence of some oxalates patina and some old polychrome traces. This restoration gave back to the city of Siena one of its most important monument but allow u sto know a lot of particular and interesting art and historical information.

Speakers: Francesca Droghini, Marco Giamello, Stefano Landi, Alberto Scarampi di Pruney

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