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Saturday, November 13, 2010 hours 14:00
The restoration of Italy's first movie: La Rosa di Bagdad (1949)

Film Documentari D'arte in collaboration with the Experimental Centre of Cinematography- National film archives of Rome
Saturday November 13- from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Sala Camillo Boito

The film La Rosa di Bagdad (1949) was made by Anton Gino Domeneghini during the Second World War in a very difficult situation. The film is made of by almost 120.000 rodovetri (sheets of acetate) and thousands of drawings on paper, prepared in the years 1947-48 in the laboratories of the Technicolor in England. A first “restoration” was carried out by the Cineteca Nazionale - Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, in the first decade of the nineties in order to obtain a master in VHS format. In 1998, thanks to the project “Adotta un film – 100 film da salvare” the film was “adopted” by the City of Milan which financed a new intervention of photo-chemical restoration on the original Technicolor negatives. They were treated by using a series of filters methodologies and changed in a more recent contemporary type of colour film. In 2009, from the original Technicolor printed inter-positive film was made– through a new digital restoration process - a master HD, which gave the highest possible quality aspect to this great Italian masterpiece.

Mario Musumeci: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale
Responsible of the Ufficio Studi Conservazione e Restauro del CSC

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