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Friday, November 12, 2010 hours 12:15
Ring di Bastioni: You can use, in small quantities, some toxic solvents

Friday November 12- from 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Talking Corner by Kermes. The magazine for restoration.

Speakers: Ottaviano Caruso vs Francesco Carnevale

Moderator: Muriel Vervat

Yes: - Ottaviano Caruso, restorer.
No: - Francesco Carnevale, doctor of health at work. Former responsible of the Unità Funzionale Prevenzione Igiene e Sicurezza nei Luoghi di Lavoro "G. Pieraccini" dell'Azienda Sanitaria di Firenze.
Chairman: - Lorenzo Appolonia, chimico Soprintendenza Valle d'Aosta

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