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Saturday, November 13, 2010 hours 13:30
Presentation of the book, in English,

Edizioni Paideia Firenze
Saturday November 13- from 1:30 p.m. to 2:15 a.m. - Talking Corner by Kermes. The magazine for restoration.

With the growth of polymer industry, plastic artefacts become a relevant part of the cultural heritage. Many artists uses plastic materials for their artworks and many private and public museums includes plastic artworks in their collection giving them a true significance of "Cultural Heritage". The degradation of plastic artefacts is a problem that needs new conservation and restoration solutions in order to give to future generations the opportunity to continue to enjoy them. The publication is divided in two sections:

First Section: the intrinsic characteristics of polymers of relevance as far as their degradation behaviour is concerned; The main procedures to reduce the degradation of plastic artefacts induced by environmental, chemical physical and biological agents.

Second Section: General considerations concerning the properties, the composition and the processing cycle of: plastics belonging to the "Pre-Synthetic" period, used as component of artefacts of cultural interest, plastics based on natural pre-formed polymers, (horn and hoof, bois durci, casein based plastics, hard ebonite and soft natural rubbers) and plastics based on chemical transformation of natural polymers as cellulose (cellulose acetate); inherent and external factors of degradation of the Pre- Synthetic (natural and artificial) plastic in relation with their composition and processing mechanisms; the most suitable procedures of conservation, preservation and storage of artworks made of this natural plastic polymers.

Speakers: Ezio Martuscelli (the Author, CNR), Enrico Pedemonte (UNIGE) and Mariano Pracella (CNR, UNIPI)

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