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Patronage of the Municipality of Florence (Comune di Firenze)

By order 2008/00330 the Municipality of Florence bestowed its patronage on the Fair.
The management of the Fair, ISTUR CHT, would like to thank the Mayor, Leonardo Domenici, for his patronage and support of the event.

Here are some of its reasons:
The Municipality is an autonomous institution representing the general interests of the local people and it is bound to support and promote initiatives, in any sector, which are promoted by the community;
The letter received from the Director of the Association ISTUR CHT requesting the patronage of the Municipality;
The Association ISTUR CHT (Culture Heritage Tourism) has provided the required guarantees about the validity and honesty of the organisation of the event;
The public interest that the event represents and the consequent opportunity to bestow the patronage requested;
Article 34 of the Statute of the Municipality of Florence;
By taking into account these motives the Municipality of Florence has agreed to bestow its patronage on the event “Florence Art and Restoration Fair”, organised by the Association ISTUR CHT which will take place at the Fortezza da Basso from the 6th to the 9th November 2008.

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